welcome to my thoughts, images and impressions of the world as it comes.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's the little things in life...

Despite the terrible start to the day, three things made me smile and realize, it's the little things in life make us happy.

To clear my head and get out of the apartment for a bit, I decided to go read in the park. I wore my running clothes in case I wanted to jog a bit afterwards, which I did, to burn off some steam and start getting ready for the next marathon.

I clearly couldn't run with my book, so I asked the gaurdian at the park gate to hold onto it for me for half an hour.

When I came back to get it, he said something that made me smile: "Oh, you are reading a book by Khaled Hosseini." I am sure he had no idea who is the author of A Thousand Spendid Suns but the name was something he could relate to and was clearly impressed to see blond white girl reading such an author's work.

Then, as I was walking home, I saw a little boy standing along the side of the road engrossed in blowing the white puffs from a dandelion flower. So innocent.

Finally, as I reaeded the top of the hill on my way back, I noticed the view of the ocean. After eight months of walking back and forth to the park, I had never once realized that from the top of the hill, the deep blue of the Atlantic was visible over the white roofs of the city.

By the time I arrived home, I was calmer and happier and ready to deal with the drama.

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