welcome to my thoughts, images and impressions of the world as it comes.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sunday, November 19th

Well, plans to Italy got cancelled last minute for this weekend. But then again, they were last minute plans, so it was half expected. Instead of Cinque Terres, I ended up spending a perfectly lovely and agreeable weekend in my ever sunny and charming town of Cannes. Saturday consisted of checking out all the morning markets- flowers and produce at Fourville, clothes and jewelry at Gambetta, and arts and flea market at Allé de la Liberte. I love wandering the markets, and this weekend was particularly fun because I saw several of my students and two of my teachers. I felt truly Cannoise.

After a relaxing and exploratory day, it was a perfect night to try our hand at the night life in Cannes. The first two bars the other assistants and I tried were absolutely awful, but the third was a fun and fully packed Irish pub called Morrison’s. I am sure we will be going there again. Hopefully next weekend we can try there and then CalientĂ©, the salsa club in town. I have been craving a good salsa dance.

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