welcome to my thoughts, images and impressions of the world as it comes.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Reality TV

In light of the recent writer's guild strike, I have decided to create my own television series.
It's called "Just Shoot Me."
It will be the story of one girl, living in an apartment with four other girls.
All between the ages of 23 and 27.
Some eat fried tomatos and cheese for breakfast, some prefer a simple cup of joe.
Showers can last between 2 and 25 minutes.
Dirty dishes somehow never get clean.
The living room doubles as a hotel, open to any and all who wish to adorn the sofas and clutter the corners.
Laptops have no particular owner and are free property to use and/ or abuse.
Some like the house quiet, some like it loud, some don't leave their rooms enough to notice the difference.
Thus, the story of one girl becomes that of five and how they manage to survive the complicated milieu in which sometimes they think, "Just Shoot Me."

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