welcome to my thoughts, images and impressions of the world as it comes.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Jane and I decided last minute to join the Rabat Rotaract Club on their road trip to Chefchaouen last weekend, and it was totally worth the 6am Saturday reveille and loud 80s music during the epic car trip to arrive at the the most beautiful city in Morocco. Nestled snuggly between jagged mountain tops, Chefchaouen translated means "look at the mountains shaped like bull horns." Well, maybe not precisely, but it means something like that anyway. Unfortunately, between volunteering at the orphanage and hiking in the hills, we didn't have much free time to wander the old city. Hence, I will certainly be going back to Chaouen for another dose of the blues, to get lost amongst azure alleyways and tranquil squares bubbling with mosaic fountains.
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