welcome to my thoughts, images and impressions of the world as it comes.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Have you ever heard the whisper of eucalyptus leaves? Have you heard the dry, silvery, sun washed whisper of eucalyptus leaves? Have you heard the dry, silvery, sun washed whisper of eucalyptus leaves in the late afternoon on top of a mountain?

I have.

Deciding to take advantage of the beautiful day, Richard and I set off hiking in the Esterel mountains near Cannes yesterday. After handily scaling rocks, traversing crevices, skittering along slippery footing and fighting the glaring sun (well, perhaps that is a bit of an exaggeration), we arrived at the edge of a precipice amidst a grove of eucalyptus trees. I could have stood there forever, surrounded by the dry whisper of silver leaves in the golden light of late afternoon. It was a perfect moment.

1 comment:

ruth said...

"Eucalyptus trees" - always takes me back to Natural Bridges Park along the ocean in California - where the trees do whisper while the ocean waves crash. You have painted more beautiful imagery for me to associate with these trees.