welcome to my thoughts, images and impressions of the world as it comes.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Thurs, Oct. 6th

Today I started training in Nice for my teaching assistant program. Thank god I lived in Paris for 5 months and suffered then for my language skills because that suffering is paying off now- I already feel like I am a million times ahead of where I was two years ago and, while it is still difficult to go from fluency to infancy in a language, it is coming much easier this time around. For example, I chatted with a lovely Parisian lady on the street today about the best markets in Cannes and the agreeable surrounding countryside, something I could never have done before. And tonight, when Richard’s girlfriend comes over for dinner, I will actually be able to understand and contribute to the conversation.

So back to teaching, Richard dropped me off at the Institute d’Education Nationale at 8:30 and I met my responsible, Madame Heiblot. She must have thought I spoke as little French as the other assistants because she started off in barely understandable, very broken English. Once she understood that I could understand her, it went much smoother in French. As it turns out, she was a teacher for 20 years and now instructs professors as well as counsels the Director of the Education System in Cannes, so she is a wonderful person to have as my primary contact.

After a few formalities, she drove me to two of the three school at which I will be teaching, one of which, Ecole Mero, is literally a block away from my apartment: at most a 5 minute walk from my place. How can I be so lucky!? The second, Ecole Jean Mace, is right in downtown Cannes, a mere 15 minute walk from chez-moi and next to all of the best shopping. The last school, where I will have the majority of my classes (10 per week), is not quite as well situated, but still only about a 20 minute walk. Today I was just expecting to observe the classes and meet my professors, but one actually asked me to start teaching in front of her 4th graders! Despite my unpreparedness, they must have liked me, because after class, one of the girls gave me a kiss on the cheek and another showed me pictures of her pet iguana. French kids are so cute!

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